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The Book ‘Public Relations in Old Turks and Ottomans’ is now available

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Emine Kazan wrote a book about how public relations were conducted under the Ottoman Empire and in the old Turks, and how the relations between the rulers and the ruled were carried out. The book ‘Public Relations in Old Turks and Ottomans’ hit the shelves.

The book, in which history is reinterpreted through the perspective of a public relations specialist, also draws attention to the comparison of today’s public relations institutions with the communication institutions in the Old Turkish States and the Ottoman Empire. “The goal of this book is to draw attention to the channels of communication that were used in the Old Turks, Seljuk, and Ottoman States that did not find the place they deserve in the history of communication,” Emine Kazan said.

Published by Yakamoz Yayincilik (Publishing) the book includes example of public relations methods. Following the publication of the first edition in 2007, the book was advanced and updated in response to reader feedback.

Speaking about the book, Kazan said, “It is both remarkable and astounding that the Turks, who had lived a ‘nomadic’ life throughout history, settled in Anatolia and remained here as a ‘state’ for centuries. Many historians regard this event as a ‘treasure’. While researching the history of Turks, it is important to note that they exhibit surprisingly different communication behaviours compared to other cultures in their communication with each other. You will find how the hierarchy in the structure of the Old Turks, Seljuks, and Ottoman Empire was shaped with perfect harmony between the ‘ruling and the ruled,’ how the ‘public relations’ functioned in the Turks who survived for centuries. This book, ‘Public Relations in Old Turks and Ottomans’ contains all of it.”

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