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Turkish mother and 2 children found stabbed to death in France

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Çağla Dereli from Trabzon, her daughter Selinay and son Ata were found stabbed to death in a house in France. Y.K., the hearing and speech-impaired husband of the woman, who shared a video about the incident in sign language on social media, was detained.

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The incident occurred on May 25 in Dreux, France. Çağla Dereli’s relatives entered the house with the help of a locksmith when they did not hear from her. Dereli, her daughter Sevilay and son Ata were seen lying on the floor in a pool of blood. French police arrived at the scene and determined that mother Dereli, Sevilay and Ata had been stabbed to death. The bodies of the mother and her two children were taken to the hospital morgue in Dreux for autopsy. It is learned that the bodies will be brought to Trabzon’s Arsin district Işıklı neighborhood for burial after the autopsy.


On the other hand, in the investigation launched into the incident, Çağla Dereli’s hearing and speech-impaired Trabzon-based husband Y.K., whom she divorced a while ago, was detained. It was revealed that the murder suspect, whose interrogation is ongoing, was sentenced to 12 months in prison 2 years ago for alleged violence against his wife and daughter Selinay, and shared a video about his family in sign language on his social media account before the incident.

“I love Selinay very much. I ask for your forgiveness. I kiss your heart. I haven’t seen her for more than 3 years. I would rather stop my life and die, because Çağla Dereli wants me to die and go to jail” said the suspect Y.K. in his social media post.

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