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Graves, blood, and weapons in the paintings drawn by Ukrainian children

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Antalya’s Konyaalti Municipality opened the course center with 48 volunteer Ukrainian teachers for 340 children of Ukrainian families who fled the war and took refuge in Turkey. “We asked the children to draw paintings that made them feel their inner feelings. Children draw their traumas. There are graves, blood, weapons on the papers” said Psychologist Irina Chemadurova.

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Konyaalti Municipality opened the course center for families and their children who took refuge in Turkey due to the war in Ukraine. 48 Ukrainian volunteer teachers and 340 students study at the course center, which is open on the weekend. Here, children have the opportunity to receive various training as well as psychological support. Konyaalti Mayor Semih Esen visited the course center and chatted with both the children and their families. Listening to the families, Esen also took pictures with the children. During the conversation with Esen, it was seen that some Ukrainian families got emotional and cried.


Psychologist Irina Chemadurova, who gives voluntary training to children at the course center, said that they asked the children to put their feelings into a painting. “Children drew the traumas they have experienced and what they feel in the paintings. There are graves, blood, and weapons in their paintings. As can be seen in the pictures, the children feel very sad. They want to go back home so much” said Chemadurova, stating that the children drew the events they witnessed during the war in their paintings.


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