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British couple had a traffic accident in Bodrum: 1 dead, 1 injured

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British national Jake Robert Mclean (33) died in a traffic accident that occurred in the Bodrum district of Mugla, while his girlfriend, model and actor Yazmin Oukhellou (28) was seriously injured.

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The accident occurred on the Yalikavak-Bodrum road at around 04:00 in the morning. In Degirmenalti location, the car with license plate 34 EEY 035 under the management of British national Jake Robert Mclean overturned into a stockade as a result of the driver’s loss of steering control. Upon the notification of those who saw the accident, a medical team was sent to the region. Mclean died at the crash site and his girlfriend Yazmin Oukhellou was seriously injured. Oukhellou, whose first aid was given at the crash scene by the medical teams, was taken to the hospital in the region. After the prosecutor’s examination, Jake Robert Mclean’s body was taken to the Mugla Forensic Medicine Institute morgue for autopsy. The investigation into the accident continues.


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